Learning Support Sessions | In-Home | Teacher | Foundation Phase Teacher | 1.5 to 8 years old | one-on-one or group sessions | Cape Town | Atlantic Seaboard | CBD | Southern Suburbs

Teacher Amy’s Tools

Teacher Amy’s Tools

Understanding Whining

Understanding Whining

The act of whining gets our attention. By design is it annoying, so we focus on it, speak to it, and spotlight it. For little ones, negative attention is still attention and the more frustrated we get, the more likely we are to give in. It gets your attention and it draws you closer to them.

Bedtime Battles

Bedtime Battles

Routine & rituals for bedtime for little ones is crucial, change causes a big disruption in their little worlds & can result in bad sleeping habits or struggles with bedtime in general.

The Dummy Dilemma

The Dummy Dilemma

I am a big advocate of a comfort toy, blankie or binky; and dummy’s – these security objects are incredibly soothing and comforting, and provide an emotional connection between you and them. However, there is a time limit on dummy’s. How then do we transition them out of their dummy dependence?

Homework Help

Homework Help

The woes of homework – it causes anxiety on both sides. I have learned, & applied a few homework tips & tricks to shift mindsets, create an environment of learning that provides both autonomy & structured homework time. Unfortunately, homework isn’t going away any time soon, but we can make it easier, and approach it in a more sustainable way.

Forcing Sharing

Forcing Sharing

We naturally want to get them to share, because we want to see kind, empathetic, generous traits in their interactions. Forcing sharing doesn’t instill that, unfortunately.

Let’s Talk About Our Boundaries

Let’s Talk About Our Boundaries

First things first, children need to know the names of their private parts. It promotes body awareness, healthy body image, body confidence & helps them to express any discomfort they might have.